At this time, July
2014, legal proceedings in New Orleans
are defining environmental crimes in terms of oil exploration and
exploitation., revealing the range of $billions in fines and penalties, and
APRIL 2010 : Gulf of Mexico
was the site of major Environmental Crimes at Deepwater Horizon.
Indeed, the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon and
subsequent oil spill has been called the largest environmental disaster in U.S.
history. In January 2013, BP pled guilty to 14 criminal counts, including
felony manslaughter, and paid $4.5 billion in fines.
JUNE 2014 Court House
in New Orleans
was involved in the identification of
Environmental Criminals.
As the trial
has unspooled in an elegant courtroom in downtown At one point during the crisis, more than 1,000 miles of coastline were befouled with oil. Scientists are assessing the effects on marine life and coastal wetland systems.
a study by Texas A&M-Corpus Christi found the blowout had damaged marine life for 57 square miles from the blast site, concluding that recovery could take a generation or more.
Tar balls are still found on beaches as far away as
JULY 2014 the onset of the Hurricane season will further test the damage to the
BP asked Barbier to suspend payments in a $7.8-million fund the company had established to settle private economic and medical claims. The company argued there was a "feeding frenzy" of false claims. Barbier had rejected a similar request twice before. How much oil flowed into the gulf and what will it cost the companies? Was it the 2.45 million gallons that BP contends, or the more than 4 million gallons estimated by government scientists? U.S. District Judge Carl Barbier will use that information when he determines culpability among the partners on the rig: BP, which owned the well; Halliburton, which sealed the wellhead; and Transocean, which owned the Deepwater Horizon drilling vessel.

In addition, the court will determine whether BP's actions on the rig were negligent or grossly negligent. That distinction is important because it is the difference between a $4.5-billion fine and the maximum $17-billion penalty.
It is worth noting that despite the enormity of the damage done at Deepwater Horizon, BP has been awarded contracts: in late 2011, BP was awarded its first permit to drill in the Gulf since the spill and has since secured more licences.
With reference to the latimes;
to the BBCNews; to the
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