Economic Unions across the world must support sustainable futures.
Economic Unions must pursue a
Social Ecology Manifesto.
Humans and all other organisms function in the biosphere: the blogosphere; the atmosphere; the lithosphere; the troposphere; and the hydrosphere.
Ecology is the scientific study of the relations of living organisms with each other and their surroundings in the biosphere. Ecologists are biologists who describe and analyse the biosphere with a view to explain the evolution of organisms, how they have adapted to survive, and offer explanations of their behaviours.
Social Ecologists analyse the impact of human actions upon the biosphere, and offer explanations about the relations between the environment, and all organic species.
Social Ecology is reflexive and normative, offering prescriptions and manifestos about how humans ought to behave in relation to the environment, other species, and all extended ecological communities, so as to ensure their mutual co-existence.
It evaluates
evidence so as to devise social, moral, philosophical, economic, ecological,
environmental manifestos in order to identify the principles, policies, and
actions that are necessary to protect the environment and enable the survival
of all ecological communities in the biosphere in the future.
‘Social Ecology’ is best regarded as a social
science. Social ecological manifestos should be available to any organization, government, or
group; from a dictatorship, or a plutocracy, or a parliament, or a corporation,
or a local authority, or a municipality, to any political party.

Today, most organisations are
hierarchies. Nation States are plutocracies …even those parading as
democracies. All states and corporations are actively involved in capitalism,
and state socialism has failed. Most people in the world live in large cities
with little sense of community. Most people, that is 6.5billion out of
7.2billion, are poor and uneducated, struggling to survive.
Does all this mean that there is no place for
Social Ecology? On the contrary, it is most important that all these groups pay
attention to, and enact, a Social Ecology manifesto.
We must be actively concerned with protecting the environment,
nature, blogosphere, biosphere; and learning how to organize our societies so
that we can thrive where there are limited demands and no growth. The recent
European elections witnessed the emergence of Nationalist politics, and the
emphasis on growth, and the associated employment of local people to the
exclusion of immigrants. The electorate was returning to right wing politics
and rejecting the manifesto of the European Union. The MEPs have forgotten
about the need to negotiate, persuade, discuss issues with their electorate .The
European Union must commit itself to a Social Ecology Manifesto.
Humans have walked the earth for less than
200,000 years - a relatively short time in comparison to the existence of the
biosphere. From 7000BC to 2014AD, humans have grown more numerous, and
developed tools and processes to enable them to reconstruct the environments in
the biosphere. It is true that they suffer from the catastrophes of nature:
solar flares, earthquakes, volcanoes, typhoons, tornadoes, cyclones, monsoons,
ice and snow storms, floods, forest and grass fires, and diseases like malaria,
but are better able to protect themselves and predict the events.
After 1800AD, humans began to manufacture tools
of mass construction and destruction which enabled them to mine coal, iron ore,
limestone; cut down trees by the thousand; grow wheat, corn, barley, rye, rice
on thousands of acres - in fact, to
completely transform the biosphere; or to be more precise, to completely
destroy nature!
As a result of these endeavors the global
population of humans has risen to 6.87 billion, reaching 7.2 billion, May. 2014; and
is predicted to rise to 9 billion by 2050, in response to the more efficient
use of water and the creation of new plants for food.
As a result of their
industrial activities, humans have become a threat to the survival of all
living organisms. Human communities are no longer committed to the mutual coexistence
of living organisms. They are actively involved in the destruction of other
living organisms so as to ensure the survival of ‘homo sapiens’. Nevertheless,
in the near future, some humans will face extinction because of the lack of
drinking water; and others will suffer from pollution, and global warming.
Many writers have argued that in order to make
an impact on water shortages and world pollution, all societies will have to
work together. If the world is to survive as an 'eco-system' and be sustainable, we
will all have to act together. Every individual and every government
will have to agree to take specified actions designed to reduce pollution and
global warming. The peoples and all other organisms of the world form an
extended ecological community within complex networks, and humans must pay
attention to their interdependence if they are to survive. ‘Development,
Conservation and Environmentalism’ mean that we should all share the resources
of the globe so that we all achieve a satisfactory sustainable standard of
life. It means caring and sharing. The nature of our interdependence is
such that the greed of some brings about the hunger of others. In order to
secure the greatest happiness of the greatest number, we must act in consideration
of all others. The warnings are all around us from scientists, activists, and,
increasingly, from our personal experiences of climate catastrophes with
flooding, droughts , forest fires, tornadoes, hurricanes, species extinction, and other natural
Ecology indicates that in order to protect the environment, and expect a
sustainable future, we must make different choices and alter our behaviour, our lifestyles, our economics,
our notions of self; our cultural filters, our priorities, our morality. These changes will
require us all to analyse our mindscapes, our cultural filters. Roszak
(1973) argues that what is important in the examination of people’s mindscape is not what they
articulately know or say they believe. What matters is something deeper; the
feel of the world around them, the sense of reality, that spontaneously discriminates between knowledge and fantasy .Pepper (1989) states that: It is of prime importance for us
to study the real and tangible physical environment, how different groups and
individuals perceive that environment and the nature of the ecologically,
socially and culturally based presuppositions which colour these perceptions,
or as some express it, the cultural filter. This means that
have to think and act, locally and globally. Concern for the
environment, conservation, development, and ecology are not only about nature,
they are calling for social changes: the development of a social ecology,
according to which we realize that we are interdependent and connected to each
other, as part of complex networks in the biosphere.
Social Ecology is
the study of human behavior in the biosphere;
the study of human behavior in the biosphere;
with Development, Conservation, Environmentalism, Sustainability, and
Subsistence, in order to foster extended ecological communities in the
It will study political systems, and economic
issues in the municipality, the city, the factory when they challenge the
viability of the biosphere;
the identification and analysis of the problems caused by human behavior in the biosphere;
the development of solutions to the problems caused by human behavior in the biosphere;
the formulation of social practices that will ensure that humans live in mutual coexistence with all living organisms;
the formulation of social policies and practices designed to allow all humans to survive and thrive in relation to all living organisms;
the development of systems of governance, [social, political, economic] that will enable human communities to take decisions that promote the mutual co-existence of all living organisms in the biosphere;
the study of the ways in which humans exist in cooperation with each other, and with other species, for their mutual benefit as an extended ecological community.
the study of biological entities, with various traits, that choose different, unpredictable behaviors in order to adapt, evolve, survive, in the face of threats to their survival.
will be concerned with behaviors and systems in the municipality, the city, and factory, as aspects of humans in the biosphere;
Social Ecologists will study human behavior and climate change;
the identification and analysis of the problems caused by human behavior in the biosphere;
the development of solutions to the problems caused by human behavior in the biosphere;
the formulation of social practices that will ensure that humans live in mutual coexistence with all living organisms;
the formulation of social policies and practices designed to allow all humans to survive and thrive in relation to all living organisms;
the development of systems of governance, [social, political, economic] that will enable human communities to take decisions that promote the mutual co-existence of all living organisms in the biosphere;
the study of the ways in which humans exist in cooperation with each other, and with other species, for their mutual benefit as an extended ecological community.
the study of biological entities, with various traits, that choose different, unpredictable behaviors in order to adapt, evolve, survive, in the face of threats to their survival.
will be concerned with behaviors and systems in the municipality, the city, and factory, as aspects of humans in the biosphere;
Social Ecologists will study human behavior and climate change;
the emission of pollutants and gases;
the exploitation and destruction of forests, and
the exploitation and mining of oils, ores and
the destruction of species.
They will formulate policies and practices to
help conserve the biosphere.
They will identify alternative systems of
economy and politics in order to ensure that humans live in mutual coexistence
with all living organisms.
Social ecologists recognize the role of humans in the destruction of the environment and the consequences of capitalist enterprise to the exploitation of natural resources.
Social ecologists recognize the role of humans in the destruction of the environment and the consequences of capitalist enterprise to the exploitation of natural resources.
They propose policies and practices that
preserve the environment, and do
not poison the biosphere.
not poison the biosphere.
They draw our attention to the facts that ‘we’ are responsible for the pollution of
They urge governments
to move towards a sustainable economy based on subsistence, conservation and
They devise models
of a steady state economy which will stabilize consumption and growth. They
emphasize the need to ‘care and share’,
and for communities to provide welfare for the benefit of all by redistributing
Such a manifesto would lead to significant social change whether it was adopted by local or central government, direct or participatory democracy, hierarchical or non-hierarchical organizations.
To be relevant to our present lives, it has to be available to all organizations, bureaucracies and democracies.
Such a manifesto would lead to significant social change whether it was adopted by local or central government, direct or participatory democracy, hierarchical or non-hierarchical organizations.
To be relevant to our present lives, it has to be available to all organizations, bureaucracies and democracies.
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