Investment bankers and fund managers have been concerned for a
long time to manipulate other people’s money to maximize profits, and minimise
risk. Finance companies like JPMorgan, Goldman Sachs, Lehmans , MorganStanley, Barclays,
RBS, DeutscheBank, worked out schemes that enabled them to increase the range
of their clients, and invest their monies for the best returns, and highest
fees and bonuses. The development of de-regulated markets following President
Reagan in the USA, and Prime Minister Thatcher in the UK, led not only to more
innovations in the financial services industries, but more dubious practices;
and bankruptcies and the collapse of the global financial system! It is not
surprising that from 2007/8, and the global banking crisis, bankers have been
called ‘banksters’: bankers as
This is not new. It is easy to forget that in the past,
banking was a crime. In particular, lending and charging interest was forbidden
by Christians. It was known as usury, and was classified as a sin. Of course,
this did not mean that money exchange and loans did not happen. It did mean
that only specific groups, such as Jews, were permitted to be bankers and
described as usurers. Jews as usurers led them into social and political
disrepute, best represented by Shakespeare’s Shylock., in the Merchant of
we have come to think of bankers as ‘crooks’, and fraudsters’ in the light of millions of people across the world losing their savings, or defaulting on their
loans, and banks losing money, and investment bankers being busy paying
themselves million dollar fees and bonuses. In fact as the poor have got
poorer, the rich are getting richer.

Loans are bound by contracts but not by cash. ‘Banksters’ protect their cash monies by
creating new money. It is only when new money is greater than earned income, or
traded products and exceed GDP, that problems arise. If loan money is $20 trillion
and ‘products’ only generate $2 trillion, the loan cycle survives only when
there are no default events. It is estimated that the current markets create
more than $700 trillion. New money/digital money is far greater than cash: at a
ratio of 97 to 3.
Fund managers want to encourage people to join their funds,
and increase the capital and generate interest. These demands lead fund
managers into ‘evil’, into fraud! Into dubious practices, when unregulated.
The classic fraud is to operate a ‘Ponzi scheme,’ whereby the capital invested by new members is used
to meet the demands for payments by
other members. Ponzi schemes promise high returns with no risk. But what is
kept secret is that the fund managers do not invest any of the deposits. But as
soon as the deposits decline, and the demands for payments increase, the scheme
will collapse! and holders will lose their money. Of course the scheme could
set up a Credit Default Swap and
promise to cover losses on accounts.
Legal Pension Fund managers, who control many millions of
savings deposits, are desperate to find investments that are safe, and capable
of growth. It is reported that Fund Managers respond positively to ‘hedge funds’ which are limited
partnerships for ‘millionaire’ investors. Hedging these funds is the attempt to
reduce risk, and maximize returns by carefully managing the fund. Indeed, they
need the hedge fund manager to manage meticulously with insight to anticipate
variations, and protect the value of the investments.
When the financial markets are volatile with all items going
up and down in value, it is important for fund managers to be able to place
their monies into other items, such as futures, swaps, options such as oil,
currencies, wheat, rice. They will set up derivative
contracts to buy or sell at a given
time, for a given price and thus hedge their bets, and ensure the value of the
funds. In the past, it was common for derivative contracts to be made against
the price of rice. Implicit in the dealings is that the items would go up in
value. And the skill is in identifying when the prices go up, and being able to
manage the trading, and the prices. If they went down, the investment funds
would lose value. The manager would have gambled and lost!
Credit Default swaps
came into operation because of these risks. CDS’ are a contract to compensate
you in case of a credit default. In view
of the millions of pounds/$ in circulation looking for appropriate investments,
fund managers would make financial contracts for compensation, in case of
default, arranging for swaps or options to exchange monies for
commodities/items. Money managers can be involved in buying or selling stocks
and bonds; and currencies;or commodities.
It is worth noting that in every case the deal would be to
safeguard the value of funds, not to promote the success of trading companies
or production companies. The capitalist investment is designed to increase the
Most deals in ‘derivatives’ would take place over the
counter. They would be beyond the regulation of an exchange. The trade was previously
valued at $700 trillion, and now in 2014, at $1.2 quadrillion. The trade is
unregulated, and subject to illegal manipulation.
Credit default swaps have been described as ‘pretend
insurance’. The contracts may have been drawn up carefully so that the ‘swaps’
will be made, and the investments retrieved in the case of a default. But Credit Default Swaps have been also been accused
by Jeff Neilson in Canada as a $600 trillion
‘paper Ponzi scheme’- that is, a fraud designed by Wall Street
syndicates that have no intention of honoring the contracts. The syndicates
receive payments, initiate default, and refuse to pay compensation.
Banks, Building Societies, [in the UK ] or Savings and Loans companies [in the US ]
act as mortgage brokers. Over the
last 20 years in the USA ,
in particular, mortgages were increasingly given to poor families who had
little hope of repaying the full mortgage, and a high likelihood of defaulting
on their loans. They were called sub-prime
mortgages. This was possible as a result of new schemes of insurance
supported by government agencies. The mortgages were credit default options whereby ‘default’ was covered by insurance
and the sale price of the property at auction. In effect the mortgage brokers
received payments of interest from the clients, and insurance payments from the
Insurers, and auction value of property. The Banks created new money as loans
on many millions of property. However, once the mortgage holders started to
default, and payments stopped, the Insurance groups, such as AIG, were the
first to suffer. They were unable to keep up with the insurance payouts, and soon
became bankrupt. In the UK ,
customers demanded cash from Building Societies, causing a ‘run on the bank’.
In this way the financial crisis unfolded in the USA
and the UK ,
and later in the EU. It became clear that many of the principal global Banks
had been actively involved in the ‘sub-prime’ scheme: buying and selling
mortgage options across the world; putting loans together as bonds and selling
them as investments. As soon as the sub-prime schemes failed, and the poor
families defaulted on their loans, many banks became bankrupt and appealed for
help from governments. The failure of the financial sector was the direct
result of their dubious practices in unregulated markets.
In the past money as ‘cash’ was tangible, solid, handled,
moved, carried, transferred, exchanged, created and distributed: created by Central Banks from copper, silver,
gold, and paper, or plastic, and used by the citizens, governments and bankers
for payments of services and products.
Many citizens are convinced that all ‘money is cash’ and
that all dealings are in cash. They go to the bank, take cash out to pay for
items or services or they receive cash in payment and take the cash to the
bank. All dealings are in cash! Citizens,
including myself, experience a ‘cash delusion’.
Irrespective of what we may think, financiers in the UK inform us
that only 3% of money dealings are ‘cash’. 97% of money dealings are ‘digital.’
Global banking is ‘cashless’ internet banking. All transactions are digital and
involve altering the number entries in the statements of accounts. Transactions
and exchanges can now be done in a few seconds. Money is transferred, exchanged
in millions, simply by clicking a keyboard and altering the numbers.
In a computer system, ‘digital numbers’ represent cash/gold/silver/
bank notes, cheques and bonds. Many people now pay for things and services by
credit cards. The transactions are digital and cashless.
Nevertheless, it is assumed that cash reserves are available
to cover the transactions. It is assumed that the digital transactions are
based on the ‘cash’ in your bank account, and the ‘cash’ that will be
transferred to your account in the future. These assumptions ignore the fact
that there is no cash in bank accounts. The only cash in the bank is the
banknotes in the ATM, printed and delivered by the Central Bank.
It is true that many
countries do have gold reserves,
and their wealth is judged in terms of the balances between their reserves and their spending.
has the largest gold reserves of any country at $361.8 billion; followed by the
IMF $125.7billion,. Germany $34.9
billion; Japan $34.6
billion; the Netherlands
$27.2 billion; the UK
$13.8 billion. Gold reserves are normally used to under write the cash demands
of banks. Gold is used as collateral for the monies created by banks. Gold is
the basis of digital money. But these reserves are inadequate for the digital
money demands of the global money funds. For example, the total gold reserves
do not cover the $1.2 quadrillion traded in derivatives markets.
97% of money in circulation is ‘digital’. It is ‘bank
created money’.
It is used to buy houses/ equipment/vehicles/transport/ to
pay wages,etc.. This money is created as a loan, out of nothing. For each loan that the
banks arrange, digital money is created. The ‘numbers’ are treated as if they
were ‘cash’. They are talked about as if they were cash. Digital numbers are
regarded as ‘cash’ and to have the value of ‘gold’, simply because we think
them to be! The numbers in our bank
accounts are cash simply because we think they are. Given that we never see the
cash, nor the gold, but only the numbers, perhaps it doesn’t matter that there
is no hard cash. The digital money is easy to handle, easy to manipulate, easy
to calculate, easy to transfer, easy to protect, easily available on computer
systems. If most of the transactions are ‘digital’, and the entries are simply
numbers, banking becomes a game of arithmetic! A banking casino!
The essential aspect of all these bank transactions is that
the numbers ‘balance’ in the ‘day book’. There has to be balance between debits
and credits; loans and cash; debts and income.
The Central Banks and the governments have to judge as to
whether the finances of a country are in balance. They must regulate the
creation of money. However, when it is necessary for banks to possess ‘cash’,
they simply arrange with the authorized government, and Central Banks, to make
and print the coins and notes they need. In effect, all countries are in debt.
They do not have enough money to cover their expenses.
In 2013, the USA borrowed up to $17 trillion; in 2012, Japan borrowed $11.7trillion;
the 27 countries of the EU, $16.4 trillion, with Germany , France ,
Italy and the UK
having the biggest debts. China ,
with one of the largest GDP, has international debts of $2.5 trillion.
At this point we have to confront the fact that the
sovereign debt of the USA
and Japan ,
and other countries, is greatly in excess of their gold reserves. They are not
able to cover their debts. Are they all ‘bankrupt’?
In contrast, out of a world population of 7.2 billion
people, there are 12 million who are valued at $46.2 trillion. There are 1,426 billionaires who have an
estimated wealth of $5.4 trillion.
In North America , 3.73
million people have $12.7 trillion.
In Asia , there are 3.68
million with $12 trillion.
In Europe , 3.4 million
individuals have $10.9 trillion.
It is clear that some individuals have access to larger sums
of money than many countries. But we have to confront the fact that these
riches are not cash money. They are
digital money created as loans by banks, and entered on bank
accounts. We conclude that banking systems are digital, cashless, internet
banking in which numbers represent cash. And few people have ready access to
cash. We work in systems in which there is little cash. The total gross wealth
of $54 trillion is on paper in numbers. This digital money is not covered by
cash. The total gold reserves are $1.02 trillion. We are operating a capitalist
system in which digital money is greatly in excess of cash money: and in which
all money is created by banks, regulated by governments. The money is ‘leveraged’ 54 to 1: that is, if
the bank has one pound it can create 54.
What we think of as money is created out of nothing by
banks. What we think of as cash is created by Central Banks with the authority
of governments. Banks create money as loans out of nothing, and make paper
profits out of the interest charged for
the loans. The capitalist system is based on ‘leveraged money’, which is
created by banks, and is best regarded as ‘fantasy money’ and is best described as ‘digital money’.
It is difficult to be clear
about what the financial services think they are doing. Why was Greece penalized so severely by the EU and the
IMF and the World Bank for having a sovereign debt far less than many other countries
in Europe ? The penalties seemed to deny the
fact that countries and corporations
depend upon loans. Their development and growth are a product of debt. If they
had to have money as cash, growth would be a slow process. The austerity imposed by the Troika made the
crises in Greece
worse, restricting all access to hard cash and loan cash; and condemning the
Greeks as spendthrifts!
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