In recent articles
about ‘democracy’, ROARmag. has emphasized the concept of ‘autonomy’: as an
expression of independence from the state or the government or the elites. Never mind that 'autonomy' is often used in relation to individual behaviour, asserting the independence of the individual from the group.
I want to focus on what was called 'community politics' in which it is vital that the group has a strong sense of identity, and the individuals interact, collaborate, cooperate
I want to focus on what was called 'community politics' in which it is vital that the group has a strong sense of identity, and the individuals interact, collaborate, cooperate
There have been attempt for several decades, as in North Africa and Southern Europe , and the countries of South America, to foster community politics and
community action with a view to limit
the powers of the elites across the
world, and liberate poor minorities. In every case community
dissent has been greeted by the armed force of the military or the police Direct action and direct democracy depend
upon the pursuit of dependence, coalition, collaboration, equality, not
discrimination nor inequality.
During the 1960’s and 1970’s
there was the development and the rapid expansion of the Civil Rights
Movement. In the USA and UK, the African communities, [the Afro-Americans, and
the Afro-Caribbeans,] along with their allies, organized marches, protests, riots, direct action;
occupations as sit-ins; boycotts, all designed to express their dissent against
discrimination, and segregation, and to emphasise community life and their
rights as citizens.
The Civil Rights Act was passed in the USA in 1964 following extensive
campaigns by Malcolm X [who was assassinated in 1965] and Martin Luther
King[assassinated in 1968]
The Race Relations Acts in the UK in 1965; and in 1976, were
passed in the wake of civil disobedience, and civil disorder.
Civil Rights, when applied to the UK ,
was exercised particularly in Northern Ireland ,
to support the Catholics against the Protestants and put a stop to community
militancy and terrorism.

The Civil Rights Movement gave expression to the cycles of
struggles over inequality, and poverty amongst the ‘racial’ communities. In the
USA the discrimination was
based on ‘skin-colour’ and applied to
black not white citizens. In the UK, the hostilities were also about skin
colour, but the ‘black’ communities were of
African/Indian/Bangledeshi/Pakistani/ Caribbean origins, and all British Commonwealth citizens, following the 1948 British
Nationality Act.
In all cases the legislation is demanding that ‘the whites’
stop discriminating against ‘the blacks’; and men against women.
Sex discrimination was, and still is, endemic to all communities, and was
seen as part of the equal opportunities agenda.
It was part of the Civil Rights Act 1964/1968, and the Equal Pay Act
1963 in the USA .
It was made illegal in the UK
in 1975.

The ROAR Collective wants to examine the ways in which the
Real Democracy Movement is striving to establish independence [autonomy] from
the ‘state’.
The movement has been involved in a cycle of struggles over
poverty and inequality, capitalism and banking, oppression and military force. In Syria , the struggle against the
state has been a struggle by the majority Sunnis against the Armed forces of
the Alawite minorities.. In Egypt ,
the struggle has been against the military dictatorship. In Libya , the struggle became a battle
against NATO. In Tunisia and
the poor rose in protest against the rich elites.
ROAR identifies a
global project of cooperation, mutuality, equality, community, and all attempts to transform democratic systems
into community politics. The Arab Spring in North Africa
has led to military action in the face of community action, the most extreme
form of which has been the gassing of citizens.
Real Democracy is about community action, community
decisions, direct democracy, direct action, cooperation, social inclusion, and
dialogue, and when necessary, occupation of public and private spaces which
should be available for the community.
Any movement for ‘real democracy’ will be ‘anti-capitalist’.
Capitalism is elitist, intended to enable the rich elites to get richer, and to
exploit workers for lower wages. It is designed to promote inequality, to
maximize profits, as well as to increase exploitation of raw materials.
Capitalist systems will lead to the destruction of the biosphere, the pollution
of the atmosphere, and to climate change.
Community action that is anti-hierarchy, anti-capitalist,
anti-elitist , will be the politics of
dissent, and will become the target of those in power!
The model of Real Democracy promoted by ROAR is enacted by
communal assemblies. All citizens of the local communities will be able to vote
on decisions and priorities for their governance. Within this form of community
politics, all property will be owned by the local communities and allocated for
community use. Real Democracy will be collaborative, collective, cooperative,
and expressed as community action. Communal enterprises will be operated as
In the discussion about ‘Real Democracy’, it is asserted
that the citizens must practice what they preach. For example, a participatory
democracy must be participatory. All
citizens must be able to vote. Of
course, it is clear that these ROAR proposals assume a basic model of democracy
which is participatory, cooperative, collaborative. A Civil Rights democracy must exercise the
civil rights of all citizens: black and white; male and female; Christian and
others; and so on. One group must not act on behalf of another. Each community
group will be directly involved in the discussions and decisions
An important aspect of this is that citizens must be able to
vote ‘for’ and ‘against’ any proposals without fear of penalty. The politics of
dissent is acted out in peace. Another aspect, is that community politics will
be based on majority votes, not unilateral votes The minority may want to
overturn the decision; Or the majority to get rid of the minority. But they
need to organize dialogues, and negotiations in cooperation. Community politics
is not a system in which all citizens must vote collectively at all times. Nor
one in which a majority vote gives the majority absolute power.!
But if we are to explore the possibilities of the
development of democracy [or what has
been called ‘real democracy’], then all citizens must be entitled to decide how
to organize their democratic communities. An important part of the concept of
democracy is that all citizens are involved in their governance. This can also
mean that they are entitled to decide how they are governed. At the moment, the
accepted model is ‘representative democracy’ whereby the majority vote for a
party, or an individual or local people. If the practice is participatory
democracy, then the citizens are free to decide on how they are governed. If
they do not want to be involved in the daily routines of committees, or
assemblies, they can draw a lottery. Or volunteer. If the citizens are not free
to choose what sort of democracy they want, what sort of system is that?
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