Cooperative Alternatives.
At the moment, January 2013, we live in a world of capitalist enterprise, in which most people are poor, and where less than 1% of the global population controls most of the global wealth.
1226 people are multi-billionaires, with $4.6 trillion
11million people have access to $42 trillion out of the
total annual GDP of $60trillion.
And 7 billion people survive on less than $10 a day, of
which 1.5 billion survive on less than $1 a day, and 1 billion die of hunger!
The present global society is not fair nor equitable nor
equal nor just.
It is elitist. A plutocracy managing a capitalist economy
for their own benefit. The owners and shareholders get maximum
bonuses.The workers with minimum wages, and maximum prices for the consumers.
Many years of capitalism has enriched a minority. Yes, it has
led to the creation of technological innovations that have totally changed ways
of life!
However, if there is to be the creation of a fair and just global
society, the wealth will have to be redistributed leading to a transformation of elitist capitalism.
Instead of describing how this elitist capitalist society
functions, it is time to begin to look at alternative systems, and to make
alternative choices.
As we have witnessed in the USA during December 2012, it is no
good standing at the top of the ‘fiscal cliff’ hoping that no one falls off.
Serious efforts must be made by voters and politicians to alter the criteria of
‘tax and spend’.
The very wealthiest must stop complaining about the
possibilities of personal taxation, and make efforts to support the poor with
social benefits. Or even provide regular employment and a living wage!
If 7 billion people
are to thrive on a living wage of say $10 an hour, the wealth of the elite plutocracy
must be shared. The wealth of the world
should be managed in cooperation, and the enterprises could be organized as
cooperatives in which the efforts of all are equally rewarded.
There are many cooperative enterprises across the world,
particularly in agriculture, and retail e.g. Cooperative Wholesale Society, UK;
Euro-Coop; Lega-Coop, Italy; Coop,
Switzerland; MIGROS Switzerland; Coop-City in New York; Best
Western Hotels; Italian Social Coops; AMUL in India; FELDA in Malaysia, along
with many others as listed by the International Cooperative Alliance:
Go to
in their most recent report, 2012, declared that up to 1 billion people are
actively involved in cooperatives, with the largest 300 cooperatives generating
$1.6 trillion.
But this does not alter the fact that most of the wealth
generated by capitalist enterprises, $60 trillion GDP 2011, has greatly
enriched a minority, 11 million people out of 7 billion. Cooperative
enterprises have not been so successful, and their presence has been ignored.
The University of Wisconsin has reported that over the last few years,
cooperatives in the USA
have declined due to the running battles between capitalists and socialists
where the arguments centre on whether business is for the enrichment of the few
or the social benefits of the many?
From the
mid-nineteenth century, mutual organisations in Europe tried
to embrace the ideas of cooperation and
sharing, and taxes and social enterprises
as economic enterprises: firstly amongst trades people, and later in
cooperative stores, educational institutes, financial institutions and
industrial enterprises. The common thread of ‘mutuality’ (enacted in different
ways, and subject to the constraints of various systems of national law) is the
principle that an enterprise or association should be owned and controlled by
the people it serves, and share any surpluses on the basis of each members'
cooperative contribution (as a producer, labourer or consumer) rather than
their capacity to invest financial capital.
The cooperative movement has been
fueled globally by ideas of economic democracy,
a socioeconomic philosophy that suggests an expansion of decision-making power
from a small minority of corporate shareholders to a larger majority of public
stakeholders. A cooperative is a legal entity owned and democratically controlled by its members. Members often have a close association with the enterprise as producers or consumers of its products or services, or as its employees.
In some countries, e.g. Finland and Sweden, there are specific forms of incorporation for cooperatives. Cooperatives may take the form of companies limited by shares or by guarantee, partnerships or unincorporated associations. In the
If there are to be fair shares of resources and wealth, the future is to be ‘Cooperative’! We will need to return to the ideas of cooperative socialism . The Rochdale Principles are a set of ideals for the operation of cooperatives. They were first set out by the Rochdale Society of Equitable Pioneers in Rochdale, England, in 1844, and have formed the basis for the principles on which co-operatives around the world operate to this day. The Rochdale Principles focus on co-operative economics.
The original Rochdale Principles were officially adopted by the International Co-operative Alliance (ICA) in 1937 as the Rochdale Principles of Co-operation. Updated versions of the principles were adopted by the
1. The first of the Rochdale Principles states that co-operative societies must have an open and voluntary membership. According to the ICA's Statement on the Co-operative Identity, "Co-operatives are voluntary organisations, open to all persons able to use their services and willing to accept the responsibilities of membership, without gender, social, racial, political or religious discrimination."
2. The second principle states that co-operative societies must have democratic member control. According to the
3. Member economic participation is one of the defining features of co-operative societies, and constitutes the third Rochdale Principle in the
4. The fourth of the Rochdale Principles states that co-operative societies must be autonomous and independent. According to the
5. The fifth principle states that co-operative societies must provide education and training to their members and the public. According to the
The sixth of the Rochdale Principles states that co-operatives cooperate with each other. According to the
The seventh of the Rochdale Principles states that co-operative societies must have concern for their communities. According to the
These seven
Marvin Schaars [1978] concludes that “If I were to name the principles, not practices if you please, which I feel any organization must include in its set-up to be a true cooperative, be it a grocery store company, a rural electric cooperative or a cooperative milk plant, I would list only three. These I call the "hard-core" underlying principles of cooperation. They are: . Services at cost to member-patrons; Democratic control by member-patrons; Limited returns on equity capital.
legal definition of a cooperative varies greatly.
It is correct that there are many
different types of cooperatives.
A Retailers'
cooperative is an organization which employs economies of scale on behalf of its members to
receive discounts from manufacturers and to pool marketing. It is common for
locally owned grocery stores, hardware
stores and pharmacies to be cooperative businesses rather than
A workers cooperative
or producers cooperative is a cooperative,
that is owned and democratically controlled by its
A volunteer cooperative is a
cooperative that is run by and for a network of volunteers, for the benefit of
a defined membership or the general public, to achieve some goal such as a
social service.
A consumers' cooperative is a
business owned by its customers. The world's largest consumers' cooperative is the Co-operative
Group in the United Kingdom,
which offers a variety of retail and financial services.
A housing cooperative
is a legal mechanism for ownership of housing where residents either own shares (share
capital co-op) reflecting their equity in the cooperative's real estate, or
have membership and occupancy rights in a not-for-profit
cooperative (non-share capital co-op), and they underwrite their housing
through paying subscriptions or rent.
Members of a building cooperative
(in Britain
known as a self-build housing cooperative) pool resources to build housing,
normally using a high proportion of their own labour. When the building is
finished, each member is the sole owner of a homestead, and the cooperative may
be dissolved. This collective effort was at the origin of many of Britain's building societies,
which however, developed into "permanent" mutual savings and loan organisations, a term
which persisted in some of their names (such as the former Leeds Permanent)
A utility cooperative is a type of consumers' cooperative that is tasked with
the delivery of a public utility such as electricity,
or telecommunications services to its members. In
the case of electricity, cooperatives are generally either generation and
transmission (G&T) co-ops that create and send power via the transmission
grid or local distribution co-ops that gather electricity from a variety of
sources and send it along to homes and businesses.
Agricultural cooperatives or farmers' cooperatives are cooperatives
where farmers
pool their resources for mutual economic benefit. Agricultural cooperatives are
broadly divided into agricultural service cooperatives, which provide
various services to their individual farming members, and agricultural
production cooperatives, where production resources such as land or
machinery are pooled and members farm jointly.
Agricultural supply cooperatives aggregate purchases, storage, and
distribution of farm inputs for their members. By taking advantage of volume
discounts and utilizing other economies of
scale, supply cooperatives bring down members' costs. Supply
cooperatives may provide seeds, fertilizers, chemicals, fuel, and farm
machinery. Some supply cooperatives also operate machinery pools that provide
mechanical field services (e.g., plowing, harvesting) to their members.
Agricultural marketing cooperatives provide the services involved in moving a
product from the point of production to the point of consumption. Agricultural marketing includes a series
of inter-connected activities involving planning production, growing and harvesting,
grading, packing, transport, storage, food
processing, distribution and sale. Agricultural marketing
cooperatives are often formed to promote specific commodities. Credit unions
are cooperative financial institutions that are owned and
controlled by their members. Credit unions provide the same financial services as banks but are considered not-for-profit
organizations and adhere to cooperative principles. The UK Co-operative Group includes both an insurance
provider CIS and the Co-operative
Bank, both noted for promoting ethical
wholesale society.
According to cooperative economist Charles Gide,
the aim of a cooperative wholesale society is to arrange “bulk purchases, and,
if possible, organise production.” Cooperative union. A second common form of cooperative
federation is a cooperative union, whose objective (according to Gide) is “to
develop the spirit of solidarity among societies and... in a word, to exercise
the functions of a government whose authority, it is needless to say, is purely
moral.” Co-operatives
UK and the International Cooperative Alliance
are examples of such arrangements.
political movements. In some countries with a strong cooperative sector, such as the UK ,
cooperatives may find it advantageous to form political groupings to represent
their interests. The British Cooperative
Party, the Canadian Cooperative Commonwealth Federation
and United Farmers of Alberta are prime
examples of such arrangements.
Schaars [1978] proposed that ‘a cooperative is a
business, voluntarily owned and controlled
by its member-patrons and operated for them and by them on a non-profit or a
cost basis.
to Gide, [1904] ‘a cooperative is a group of persons pursuing common economic,
social, and educational aims by means of a business’.
Legislators have wrestled with
the problem of profit or social ends for
many years. Yet no definite conclusions are in sight. Even co-op scholars and
researchers differ among themselves concerning the definition of a "true
cooperative." Nevertheless, there
is general agreement with Schaars's conclusion that a
"true"cooperative is one which provides; (1) service at cost, (2)
democratic control by member-patrons and (3) limited returns on equity capital.
It is significant that, at this
time, share-owning capitalist enterprises are normal in USA , Europe, Russia ,
Australia , Brazil , China ,
India , Japan , and across the world. All these
enterprises have share-holders. If they are successful, the profits are paid to
the shareholders. If the principal shareholders are family investors [such as
the Gates family, or Apple, or Tata or Branson or Buffet, and the rest of the
Forbes 500,] they will receive the dividends and bonuses agreed by the Board of
Directors, and reap the maximum profits. We have to remember that the success of such capitalist enterprises
depends upon paying the workers low wages and charging maximum prices to the
consumers: that is, capitalist exploitation. Whatever problems there are in
defining a cooperative, it is most important that cooperative enterprises are
owned and controlled by members, patrons, workers, consumers as well as
investors. The benefits and profits of the cooperative enterprise are shared by
all those involved, not just the elite investors.
I would suggest that a ‘true
cooperative’ provides services and products at prices agreed by the democratic
votes of member-patrons in the light of the democratically agreed returns on
equity capital. Every one with an interest in the operation of the cooperative
enterprise is involved in making decisions about practices, products profits, and benefits.
The United Nations has declared
2012 the Year of the Cooperative.The United Nations Year of the Cooperative will express: "Cooperative Enterprises Build A Better World" and highlight the key aspects of cooperative enterprises which allow them to fulfill this rule.
Cooperative enterprises build a better world.
Cooperative enterprises are member owned, member serving and
member driven
Cooperatives empower people
Cooperatives improve livelihoods and strengthen the economy
Cooperatives enable sustainable development
Cooperatives promote rural development
Cooperatives balance both social and economic demands
Cooperatives promote democratic principles
Cooperatives and gender: a pathway out of poverty
Cooperatives: a sustainable business model
for youth
REFERENCES/ 2013Marvin Schaars: Cooperatives, Principles and Practices 1978
Frank Groves: Philosophy of Cooperation 1985
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