The IPCC will meet in Paris during the year, 2015.. It is anticipated that the findings will be rigorous and lead to major policy proposals
However, what is clear is that any proposals for the reduction or even elimination of greenhouse gas emissions must be substantial. . If the proposals indicate ‘business as usual’ the levels of emissions will increase, and global warming will initiate more violent climate events.
The key points of AR5 are as follows:
1.The most recent assessment report has presented evidence that establishes
that human influence on climate systems is clear: it is a fact, not a fantasy
2.Emissions of greenhouse gases, e.g Carbon Dioxide, Nitrous oxide, methane are at their highest levels ever.
3. The temperatures of the atmosphere and the oceans have increased. . The cover and volume of snow and ice has diminished. Sea levels continue to rise.Given that most of the world’s population occupy deltas, coastal lands, and river valleys, they will become more prone to floods.
4. The latest figures show that the period between 1983 and 2012 have been the warmest for 1400 years; since the 7th century.
5. The lower atmosphere, and the upper waters of oceans, are subject to patterns of warming. And of course they will effect each other.
6. The warming is caused by the increases of greenhouse gas emissions; the concentrations of carbon dioxide;methane, and nitrous oxide, as driven by economic growth, and population increases. The gases have the effect of absorbing the energy of the sun in the atmosphere, causing it to raise temperatures.
7.The evidence reveals that changes in climate have occurred on all continents and oceans with more heat waves, floods,wildfires, droughts; cyclones, tornados
8. it is predicted that surface temperatures will rise during the 21st.Century.There will be more heat waves. The oceans will warm and acidify. Global sea levels will rise.
9.The IPCC declared that climate change is a threat to sustainable development. because the rising temperatures, and increased rainfall, or droughts can lead to extinction of species, animal and vegetable. We have to confront the facts that human action can destroy the world as we know it at the moment.
10. The IPCC observed that these climatic events will have dire consequences for the poor communities, who will not have the resources to protect themselves from disaster. Richer communities will have the wealth to organise their local environments for protection.
11. The AR5, Assessment Report, made it clear that if climate change; and global warming is to stop, greenhouse gas emissions must reduce, or stop. If governments make no concerted attempts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, then, climate change will continue. Extreme weather events will become more widespread and human settlements subject to disruption
12 The IPCC establishes that while it is true that climate changes have occurred throughout time. The changes were natural, e.g. following volcanic activity; were slow, and took millions of complete.
At the present time the emission of greenhouse gases are the results of human action over decades, not millennia.
13. At the same time, some commentators continue to argue against the evidence for global warming, claiming that it has been fabricated by the scientists and the media and politicians.who wish to influence political decisions They want to deny the impacts of human action and declare economic business as usual, and wish to promote the exploitation of resources.
To continue with business as usual, and extend the exploitation of resources, is certain to raise the average global temperature by 2C at least.
Global warming will continue as long as humans pursue an industrial economy,emitting billions of tonnes of gas particles into the atmosphere. ‘Business as usual’ is not an option.
Examples of weather changes and climate change have been witnessed developing over the last ten years.
First, the occurrence of drought across California, leading to rigid water controls and the creation of deserts.
Second, the increasing precipitation, storms, flooding in the Balkans [Serbia, Croatia, Czech,Albania,Romania].
Third. ice melt in the Arctic, and the weakening of the Gulf Stream in the Northern Atlantic.
Fourth the massive increase in the numbers and intensity of cyclones and tornadoes in the Philippines.
Fifth, the evidence that Australia is getting hotter, and the fire season covers more months in the year.